Industrial Utility Efficiency

Inovair Aeration Blowers Pass the Test at Colorado WWTP

The wastewater treatment plant for the City of Lafayette, Colorado, is a Class B biosolids facility. It meets grid regulations for volatiles reduction with at least a 38% reduction, and has a solids retention time (SRT) of at least 15 days at 95°F (35°C). Class B biosolids can be used as fertilizer for livestock feed and other applications that don’t directly lead to food for human consumption. 

pdblowers Soars in Aerospace Vacuum System Installation

The aerospace division of a large industrial manufacturer, uses a large altitude simulation chamber to test aircraft parts at different atmospheric conditions. It was based on this application, that the pdblowers team created what the facility needed: a multi-stage vacuum system that could manage varying mass flows at different vacuum levels.

Six Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Vacuum Pump

By following these summer-specific maintenance tips, you can help extend the lifespan of your vacuum pump, improve its performance and reduce the risk of costly repairs or replacements. Regular maintenance during the hot months not only keeps your equipment running smoothly, but also ensures it operates safely and efficiently under challenging conditions.

Freeze Drying and the Sublimation of Ice Water

The phrase pairing the two words freeze and dry is one of the more straightforward and clear descriptions of a process in industry. To freeze dry a blueberry, an ice cream sandwich, the latest-greatest-pharmaceutical or a formaldehyde-infused complex carbon chain; one must first freeze the liquid water (or other liquid compound) into solid ice that is integrally bound within the food or other moist substance. 

The System Assessment


The phrase pairing the two words freeze and dry is one of the more straightforward and clear


The wastewater treatment plant for the City of Lafayette, Colorado, is a Class B biosolids facility


Swiss brush company Ebnat-Kappel uses non contact transfer technology from Bosch Rexroth to


In choosing a system for the safe, clean conveyance of materials, it seems that the choices can be


The basic function of vacuum degassing is to remove the vaporized gas and moisture from the


Electronics applications typically run their tooling requiring Process Vacuum based on differential


The IWF 2022 International Woodworking Fair was held August 23-26 at the Georgia World Congress


When the Environmental Protection Agency was formed, in1970, it used its congressional mandate to


Contamination such as humidity, oxygen or microbiological ingress can impact drug stability


Many heat-treating applications put difficult demands on vacuum pumps in general and oil-sealed


Most printing facilities use vacuum for one process or another.  I recently spoke with Jesse